Arbiter and the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) announced a strategic partnership across all 10 CIF Sections that will bring Arbiter Game, as well as other software solutions, to high schools throughout California.

The collaboration will result in key stakeholders in schools including Athletic Directors, Technology, Finance, and other Administration personnel having the ability to schedule officials and coordinate the complexities of sports and events on one platform, rather than duplicating data entry into multiple software systems that proved to be enormously time-consuming and repetitive. Further, the partnership allows California schools to integrate digital ticketing and the streaming of events into their overall offering to parents and fans through collaborations with GoFan Ticketing and the NFHS Network, respectively.

“We are extremely excited to partner with Arbiter in support of our more than 1,600 member schools’ education-based athletic programs throughout California. The CIF has more than 500,000 athletic events each school year and this technology will greatly assist our athletic administrators in the management of those events,” said Ron Nocetti, CIF Executive Director.

Kyle Ford, CEO of Arbiter, echoed Ron Nocetti’s enthusiasm adding, “We share in the excitement with the CIF and look forward to a collaboration that will impact California’s wonderful student-athletes, their athletic directors, coaches, families, fans and supporters throughout all 10 Sections and 1,600 member schools. Providing all constituents with a great experience is not only fundamental to us, but essential.”

About the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF)

Created in 1914, the CIF is the governing body for high school sports in the state of California. CIF is uniquely positioned to foster student growth in values and ethics. CIF’s ideal of “Pursuing Victory with Honor,” provides the opportunity to influence the actions of the athletic community. CIF strives to promote equity, quality, character, and academic development. CIF is a nonprofit federation and the state office, located in Sacramento, Calif., represents the interests of its member Sections. The 10 Sections represent geographic regions within the state: Central, Central Coast, Los Angeles City, North Coast, Northern, Oakland, Sac-Joaquin, San Diego, San Francisco, and Southern. CIF represents 1,609 public and private member schools and more than 838,000 student-athletes. CIF conducts Regional and State Championships in badminton, baseball, traditional competitive cheer, cross country, football, volleyball, tennis, wrestling, basketball, soccer, softball, swimming & diving, track & field, golf, and water polo. CIF Sections conduct championships in more than 26 sports. Visit CIF at CIFState.org and follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @CIFState.

Administrator working on a tablet.